Friday, February 12, 2010

An "It's about time" makeover

I've had this cedar chest for about 10 years. I've never really loved oak and the southwestern fabric was just awful. I may live in Arizona but that doesn't mean I have to decorate my house southwestern. It was definitely time for an overhaul.

(without the cushion on top)

This project was a combined effort from my husband. We sanded it, wiped it down and taped off the inside.

I believe we applied about 3 coats of Rustoleum Colonial Red.

Then we sanded the edges a bit and applied stain to the distressed areas.  
Here it is with the nasty southwestern seat cushion. It definitely looked better than with the oak but it still wasn't cutting it. After much searching we found a fabric we both liked. The best part was it went very well with the hardware before. Now the hardware just needed help. We spray painted them an Espresso color also by Rustoleum.

And the finished product...

I love it so much. I don't want to hide this piece any more. I want this to be in the family room where it will be seen and enjoyed.



  1. Looks great Melanie! The hardware matches perfectly with the new fabric!

  2. Cute - I love a woman who uses red!

  3. What a great job you did on that chest. Makes me want to redo do mine now. Found you on Follow me Friday.

  4. Love the red, just lovely! I have one that I want to redo also!

  5. that chests turned out sooo cute! It had better be on display! Way to go!

  6. Lovely. Just lovely. I have a PLAIN old light colored cedar chest. I inherited it from my mom this year & we were wondering about refinishing it. Does the inside of your chest smell like cedar? Mine is overwhelming if you open it. We were wondering if the refinishing would affect the cedar smell on the inside. Yours turned out absolutely beautiful. Gave me ideas to maybe add some trim/pieces to the top/front of my plain one to make it "less plain". =)
